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Boltek Lightning Detection Systems

Whether you need long range lightning detection or high accuracy short range detection, we have the products and accessories to get you started. All of our products are designed for easy installation, along with free software updates that are always available from our website.

Short Range Alerting Systems

Our short range lightning detector systems have a very high accuracy up to 24 miles away and constantly monitors the electrical field of the atmosphere for preemptive notification of nearby lightning strikes.

With the optional ERL-10 programmable
Relay Output Module for the EFM-100
(and optionally the LD-250) you can
connect signal lighting or audible devices
to alert of incoming lightning activity.

ERL-10 display software connected to a stacklight

Long Range Storm Tracking

Our line up of long range lightning detectors provide detection up to 300 miles away with directionality for tracking far off and close by storm movement. They can be used on their own, or make a perfect compliment to our short range detector.

Lightning archive files are created automatically
and may be played back at a later date.

Lightning strikes displayed within milliseconds
of detection.

Advanced storm tracking to determine path
of storm.

Customizable visual and audio alerts of heavy
storm activity or nearby lightning strikes.

NexStorm display software


The Boltek lightning detection sensors can provide you with a lower cost solution where you can use lightning detection along side your existing weather equipment or even for a weather enthusiast looking for a basic setup.


For individuals or companies that want a specialized setup, we can provide hardware solutions that will integrate with our lightning detectors to access the data through a variety of communication protocols.

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