What’s New

ERL-10 Status Indicator LEDs

ERL10 Status LEDs ERL10 Status LEDs

Optional Alarm Status LEDs available for the ERL-10 Kit-1 Lightning Alert Package or the ERL-10 Kit-2 Lightning Alert Package

MAG-1 Magnet Mount

The MAG-1 Magnetic Mount is for use with the Boltek ANT-2 Lightning Sensor.

ANT-2 Lightning Sensor

The ANT-2 Lightning Sensor is for use with the LD-250 and LD-350 long range detectors.
The ANT-2 is a replacement for the ANT-1 antenna & ENC-1 outdoor antenna enclosure.

LRX-1 Lightning Network Detector

The LRX-1 Lightning Network Detector is a long range lightning detector for use with a time-of-arrival Lightning Detection Network (LDN). Lightning strike signals are captured, GPS timestamped, and delivered to a central server for further processing. A minimum of five LRX-1 detectors installed around the area of interest allows live, accurate, lightning data to be generated by the central server. By adding additional LRX-1 detectors coverage can be extended to an entire province or even an entire country. Please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for more information.

ERL10-GSM1 Auto SMS Text Message Alert Package

The ERL10-GSM1 Auto SMS Text Message Alert Package sends text message alerts automatically when nearby lightning or high electric fields are detected with the EFM-100 Electric Field Mill. The auto dialer can store up to 500 numbers that can be added and removed by sending simple text message commands to the dialer. A valid GSM SIM card with a text plan is required for operation.

EFM-100C RS485 Electric Field Mill
The EFM-100C RS485 Electric Field Mill now comes standard with RS485 output for easier setup with having to install just a single Cat5 cable for operation and has replaced the EFM-100A model.
*The optional fiber optic package is available for installations where the power source is in a different location than the monitoring station, or in a situation where an Analog and Digital output are both needed at the same time.

EFA-21 USB - Fiber Optic Converter for EFM-100C
The EFA-21Power Module / RS485 to USB Converter for EFM-100C doubles as a Power Module and RS485-USB Adapter that allows you to provide power and connect the EFM-100C Atmospheric Electric Field Mill directly to your computer’s USB port using a single module and eliminates the need for an additional fiber optic cable.

DIN rail clips now included as standard items in all EFM-100 and ERL-10 packages.

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